High Content Imaging is here!

CSCI, together with the Thompson Family Foundation Initiative (TFFI), and the CU Motor Neuron Center (MNC), jointly purchased a Cellinsight CX7 High Content Imager to facilitate high throughput data acquisition and analysis (see Figure 1). The instrument enables the imaging cell cultures or spheroids in multi-well formats (ranging from 8-well culture slides to 1,536 well plates) and includes a live-cell chamber to permit live-cell imaging and kinetic analysis. For a more detailed description of the instrument and its potential applications see here.

The Instrument is set up on the 5th floor of P&S (housed in the MNC P&S 5-401B) and, after some initial difficulties in getting used to the machine, is beginning to work reasonably well. Successfully performed applications include live imaging studies of neurite outgrowth (see video 1; courtesy of Dr. Francesco Lotti), and live imaging of mitochondrial turnover in HELA cells using mitotimer (video 2; courtesy of Dr. Vartika Mishra). A particularly useful feature is the integrated Studio software, which allows the real-time analysis/plotting of the acquired data.

We are currently working on setting up a sign-up calendar in iLab, and on data storage solutions but people interested in trying the instrument can contact Francesco Lotti (fl2219@cumc.columbia.edu), Joriene de Nooij (sd382@cumc.columbia.edu), or Mike Kissner (mdk2108@cumc.columbia.edu).

Figure 1. CX7 High Content Imager. Image from ThermoFisher Scientific


Live-imaging of mESC-derived motor neurons (MNs)

Mitochondrial turnover in HELA cells